Call for Presenters
We are excited to open the SkyPosium 2022 Call for Presenters. SkyPosium is a true community event with the majority of program sessions delivered by community members.
The sharing of knowledge by community members is one of the most valuable elements of our SkyPosium events. This year we want to include more speakers to enhance the sharing of best practices, unique applications, customers success stories, and thought leadership in the field of data analytics.
To do that we are adopting a program structure of fast-moving 15-minute presentations for the APPLICATIONS & BUSINESS track.
The View Builder Bake Off Competition will be back by popular demand (with cool prizes as always)! Submit a brief description of your View Builder App right away to secure 1 of 8 spots in the Bake Off!
SkyPosium will take place October 18-19, 2022. Day 1 will begin mid-day and day 2 will be a full day. More details on the meeting’s theme, agenda, and schedule will be available soon. All presentations will be recorded and available shortly after the conference.
Speaker Submissions
Click on the button to submit a brief abstract (approx. 100-200 words in length) to be considered for a speaking slot on the agenda. For questions, email:
Fill out this form to apply to speak at SkyPosium or to provide a recorded presentation to be shared post event:
Sponsor Participation in Sessions
The 2022 SkyPosium will also provide companies that offer complementary products and services to directly reach the SkyFoundry community by exhibiting at the event.
Sponsors and exhibitors are encouraged to participate in speaking sessions but presentations must be of an actual case study with involvement of the end customer or SkyFoundry partner.