Day 1 – Tuesday, Oct 2
Meeting opens with buffet luncheon and time with exhibiting sponsors
The IoT is Distributed Computing Challenge
- Demonstration of SkySpark Everywhere distributed architecture in action
- Deploying Distributed Analytics – Communiques from SkySpark at the Edge. Examples of SkySpark Everywhere at the edge from the community
Distributed Architecture
Brian Frank, SkyFoundry
Brian will demonstrate a live multi-node clustered system with products from different suppliers and show the seamlessness of the cluster-aware Apps in action. Did someone say replication?
John McEnri, Crowley Carbon
John will present a case study outlining how their company is implementing SkySpark in a highly distributed system to meet customer application needs and optimize deployment costs.
Job Sloot, BAM
Utilizing SkySpark Everywhere in a large-scale BMS system – BAM is responsible for the maintenance and performance of the HVAC and Energy Systems of a large-scale campus-like project. Challenges include monitoring performance of the equipment and meeting the set KPIs, for which the continuous analysis of 5,000+ data points is necessary. This case study presentation—where SkySpark clusters were implemented to connect to 9 SQL history databases—will talk about the method used, challenges met and how things got working.
- Detailed demo of major new features
- Major new announcements
Reception and buffet dinner with sponsor exhibits
Day 2 – Wednesday, Oct 3
Breakfast, vendor exhibits and networking
Applications at the Intersection of Analytics and Control
In this session, community members will present examples of applications where the results of analytics are being coupled with control actions to execute changes in the operation of building systems.
Alper Uzmezler
Understanding Project Sandstar – A hardware independent, tag based control platform which merges SkySpark, the Sedona framework with Project Haystack into a seamless whole enabling fundamental changes to BMS industry: Hardware agnostic direct digital controls, Meta-morphing direct digital controls where one DDC control sequewnce file can be used for many types of equipment, Tag based historical roll-up – Spark (Analytics), result based DDC logic change, Abstraction for Analytics – Visuals and Mobile apps and more…
Terry Casey
Analytics Modelling and Control for Demand Side Response of Buildings – With the transformation of energy supply to deploy more Renewable and Intermittent sources such as Solar and Wind, there is a need to make buildings adaptive loads to respond to the cost and availability of energy. In order to make best use of Behind the Meter, local generation and dynamic pricing of Utility supplied Electricity we require new levels of Analytics and Modelling and Control in order to optimise energy use. In this presentation Terry Casey from Intellastar will examine some novel approaches to this challenge and share some results from a successful trial program that utilises SkySpark Technology at the edge.
SkySpark Developer Workshop
Folio, Clustering, Replication & XQuery
Deep dive into the Folio database architecture
Arcbeam and clustering review
Arcbeam isolation
Arcbeam’s new streamlined approval process
Replication deep-dive
XQuery review
XQuery enhancements for routing and tracing
Applications at the Intersection of Human Activity
The majority of issues identified through the use of analytics require human action to address. Driving that workflow requires effectively communicating results to users—from technicians and building engineers, to energy managers and financial managers. Presentations in this session will focus on the use of visualization tools to communicate and drive the workflow process.
Justin Rea, Crowley Carbon
Show Me the Money! By careful calculation of “avoidable costs” in our Spark costing algorithms, we create compelling notifications that stimulate action from operations and management staff. The initial notification and inactive accumulation of such costs over time drives priority when assessing the next steps for equipment maintenance and capital project justification. Targeting the appropriate recipient at the correct frequency with accurate costs ensures spark digests remain relevant and do not become noise.
Gary Bark, Optimised Buildings
This presentation will focus on how Optimised Buildings use SkySpark to generate meaningful data in the retail sector to drive change through the supply chain. The focus of these changes is around achieving significant energy savings and operational excellence that ultimately end up as cost savings for our clients. We look at what happens after a spark is generated and the process required to generate action that ultimately delivers the outcome the customer is buying.
Scott Horsnell, Bueno Systems
Getting Value Out of Operational Data – The Real World Challenges
- What is the workflow of using big data to get value (from identifying issues/opportunities through to resolving them)?
- How does that workflow map across to the typical operational touchpoints for the engineering systems in properties?
- How does that workflow map across to the lifecycle of engineering systems in properties?
- Where are the bottlenecks and how can we improve the value generated by big data tools?
SkySpark Developer Workshop
Session 2A – Energy App 3.0 & Tariff Engine
- Cluster aware capabilities
- Configuring meter points
- New features in the Energy app views
- Creating tariffs
- Tariff best practices
- Advanced features of the tariffCost() function
Session 2B – New Rule Ext
- New rule engine introduced in 3.0.15
- Migration from 2.1 spark/kpi engine
- Review new Rule, Spark, and KPI apps
- Review new 3.0 navigation model and tools
Luncheon, vendor exhibits and networking
Amazing Analytic Findings and Award Winning Projects
This session will be conducted as a series of 10-minute, rapid fire presentations by community members.
Paul Bergquist, SkyFoundry
Special Case Study and Demonstration, SkySpark in Indoor Agriculture – Efficient, profitable operation of indoor agriculture facilities is a sophisticated industrial process. Optimizing yields involves combining data from diverse systems in order to manage nutrient delivery, control environmental conditions, and manage energy consumption. SkySpark is being used to drive results in some of the most sophisticated indoor grow facilities. This presentation will present a case study and a demonstration of Sparks and KPIs used in these applications.
Scott Hornsell, Bueno Systems
Leveraging data from operational systems to provide a measure of the utilisation of various spaces in Australia’s largest single tenanted office building.
John Petze, SkyFoundry
Review of Award winning SkySpark projects.
SkySpark Developer Workshop
Haystack Kind System
Requirements and progress of WG 551
Deep dive into proposed “kind system”
New PHD definition language
Bi-directional modeling of relationships
Filter language enhancements
RDF export
What does this mean for SkySpark?
Business Models for Delivering Analytics
Analytics is a tool to identify opportunities for improved performance of buildings and equipment systems. The financial benefits result from responding to analytic findings to address deficiencies. Numerous business models can be used to deliver services to building owners to help them respond to analytic results. This session will present examples of various business models being used to help owners and operators benefit from analytics and move to data-driven facilities management.
ViewBuilder Show and Tell Bake Off
The community competes to show off examples of the best use of ViewBuilder to create custom Apps, Views and Reports. Speakers will be provided with 10 minutes for rapid fire presentations. Prizes will be awarded based on attendee votes!
Business Models for Delivering Analytics
Sean Doyle, Crowley Carbon
Energy efficiency means operational efficiency – Providing energy management as a service has led Crowley Carbon to become a significant contributor to bottom line profits for its clients. Improving the marginal cost of production by reducing energy consumption has led to aligned data driven lean approaches to operational efficiency. We charge a subscription for our service but always target at least double the amount paid through notification of avoidable costs.
ViewBuilder Show and Tell Bake Off
Jaap Balvers, BAM
Energy plant monitoring – Analytics and visualizations are essential tools in performance contracts. In this case study BAM is responsible for delivering a comfortable indoor climate, while a third-party heating/cooling plant services the building and needs to be monitored continuously. Custom SkySpark functions calculate the exact performance and custom views, and assist in translating technical data into understandable outcomes for the contract manager.
Terry Casey, Intellastar
Performance dashboards from an Energy Services Company application.
SkySpark Developer Workshop
Session 4A – View Builder
- Fresco View architecture
- View Builder walk through
- Templates
- Exporting
- Chart customization
- Icons
Session 4B – BACnet
- Introduction of BACnet protocol
- Review features of BACnet connector
- Device addressing and ping
- BACnet tuning
- BACnet debugging techniques